
1975 50hp Evinrude overhaul

Different plan today,

Buddy brought over a 50hp Evinrude from the mid 70's today that didn't start. Alright for you newbies its pretty simple - complicated but simple. You need three (I actually consider four) things for an engine to run. Fuel, spark and compression. Thats the short version, really you need - the right fuel to air mixture, the correctly timed and powerful spark, and the upmost to spec compression. Who ever tells you otherwise - doesn't know what they are doing.

Anyways, it had spark, it had compression - just no fuel. So when an engine has been sitting forever for who ever knows how long what's the first thing you do? Pull the plugs and fire some brake cleaner directly into the cylinder. Try it then. Ok it fires but doesn't run - perfect you know its in the fuel delivery... in this case twin carberuators.

Tore both of those apart and guess what! Both needles stuck in the seat, who would have guessed! Cleaned it all up and re-installed and now it starts and runs perfectly. Tell ya the truth buddy got lucky that it runs this well considering the age and lack of maintenance.

Oh and here is a "Tool of the day moment". Check out how this license plate is held onto this trailer.... who is the ididot that figured this one out. Check out the washer action on this bolt and lack of the 2nd bolt on the trailer.

Keep spinning wrenches,

- SS

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